Beautiful Garden
Tribal Nation
People of the Flint

Jan Kahehti:io Longboat, (Kanien’keha:ka), draws in the love of Mother Earth to heal trauma. She inherited a deep sense of peace and cultured skills from her grandmother that form her philosophy that “the circle (Tekaneren) just keeps going round and round, tying all our words, actions, expressions, purposes, and stages of life together.” Kahehti:io works with plant medicine, story, language, and song to encourage women—especially those who carry suffering from generations of residential school abuse—to take their rightful place as the center pole of the home. Through teaching and gathering community at health centers, universities and at her Earth Healing Herb Gardens and Retreat Centre at Six Nations, she guides indigenous individuals, families, and nations back to sharing in the spirit of unity.

Audio / Video
Jan Longboat Interview #3
My memory of story was birthed around a round oak table with nine siblings and elders from the community.
Mohawk elder Jan Longboat describes growing up connected to the land in a circle of women who were her teachers. Jan discusses her life work protecting the land and supporting women to find their voice as they heal from the generational trauma of the boarding school era.