Rachel Dennis | Ojibway – Nipissing First Nation in Northern Ontario

Name Ishkideewi-bidaabino-ikweFiery Dawn Woman Tribal Nation OjibwayNipissing First Nation in Northern Ontario Persevere Like her mother, Carol, Rachel Dennis is passionate about bringing birth back to her community, the Nipissing First Nation, and other Indigenous communities. Born in St. Catherines, Ontario, Rachel moved to Toronto while still an infant and…

Born into a Sacred Life

Meet Legacy Leader Levina Wilkins and Future Legacy Leader Leslie Swan, both of the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation. These powerful Indigenous women highlight the importance of being connected with one’s own body, mind, and culture. Levina and Leslie both stress the significance of life as it…

Autumn Cavender-Wilson | Wahpetunwan Dakota Pezihutazizi K’api Minisotamakoce Upper Sioux Community

Name Wicanhpi Iyotan WinGreat Star (Woman) Tribal Nation Wahpetunwan DakotaPezihutazizi K’api Minisotamakoce Upper Sioux Community Create Wicanhpi Iyotan Win Autumn Cavender-Wilson is a Wahpetunwan Dakota from the Pezihutazizi K’api (Upper Sioux) Community. She is passionate about storytelling and writing and has a background in decolonization theory and the Dakota language.…

Laurie Jacobs | Tuscarora Nation – Six Nations of the Grand River Territory in Ontario, Canada

Name Ǫdáhgrawa:sShe’s Shaking the Snow Off Tribal Nation Tuscarora NationSix Nations of the Grand River Territory in Ontario, Canada Guide Laurie Jacobs has spent much of her life helping bring new life into this world, incorporating her traditional knowledge and gentle ways as a Midwife. Laurie belongs to the Tuscarora…