Legacy Leader Serena Francis (Mi’kmaq) and Future Legacy Leader Susan Bernard (Mi’kmaq) held ceremony, space, and brought together community members of all ages to honor, remember, and grieve the 215 children found at the Kamloops Indian Residential School.
They Found Us
We made 215 cutouts, of hearts and circles. I attached a bell on each one and strung them together. They were hung outside the Band Office. When a wind or breeze blows, the bells will ring in honour of, and in their memory of, the 215+ little bodies that have been found.
June 2021
Wela’lin Debra with the cutting decorating and helping with hanging them up. Wela’liek, student from Elsipogtog for the beautifully decorated hearts and for making each one extra special.

We want to extend our appreciation to Debra Milliea & Lenore Augustine. To the students in Lenore’s Culture class for helping with decorating the hearts.

Powerful Ceremony – June 9, 2021
Want to thank the Daycare staff for allowing the children to stop by and having a round dance. The hearts will stay as long as they last.
If you would like to drop by and sign your name on a heart please do so, or if you know someone affected by the Residential School, you can honour them with a heart.
Thank you, Nelson Augustine for the spirit journey song.

July 1, 2021
Powerful message from our elder, and from a survivor.

Wela’liek Natasha Simon and family for cutting out all 700 hearts. For decorating them so we can hang them up. Please let Jesse and your little one know how grateful we are for their loving attention.

July 11 2021
Thank you, Angeline and family and Debra for your important messaging.

Vienna Francis
Debra Milliea
Angeline Levi
For additional information see Elisipogtog: open old wounds for New Brunswick reserve by Desmond Simon