Tribal Nation
Chipewyan Dene
Salt River First Nation
Treaty 8

Wife and mother of four beautiful children, Joline Hardisty is from Chipewyan Dene/Cree First Nation in Treaty 8 territory in Canada. Her parents, Eileen and Henry Beaver raised her with strong values off the grid along the Treaty 8 trapline. She learned to appreciate the simple life as she gained an education on First Nations rights, identity, and traditional teachings from her father.
Joline felt the deep impact of these lessons after observing that her own children were learning the same inaccurate history about their people as she had in school. She realized her ability to consciously create a future for herself, her children, and her generations to come, and began to live her life more meaningfully and intentionally. She has taken time to learn and integrate new knowledge alongside traditional teachings she gained from living off the land and in community with her people.
Following her interests and passions, Joline studied Business Administration and Management, took an Applied Nutrition Sciences course from Elevated Learning Academy, and completed a Full Spectrum Doula workshop delivered jointly by Indigenous Birth Alberta and the Native Youth Sexual Health Network.
Joline then created a business, Living Resilient. It affords her the freedom to create and work at her own pace. She can live with great intention and mindfulness, knowing that creating her space in society requires practiced presence. A doula and coach, Joline also speaks on empowerment, awareness, intuition and energy, and education. Her passion is life, growth, and her people.
As she continues to create her own path, Joline is guided by her inner voice and understanding of self-care and personal development. Most importantly, she teaches her children that those who have experienced a history of hardship and struggle can carry strength, power, resilience, and magic today.